
Counselling and Psychotherapy might sound like big, complex words, but they're all about helping people navigate life's ups and downs. Whether it's dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or personal growth, these therapeutic practices are here to lend a helping hand.

Counsellors and Psychotherapists take a compassionate and holistic approach, focusing not just on symptoms but on understanding the underlying issues that might be causing distress. They use a wide range of techniques, from talking and listening to more specialized methods, all tailored to the individual's unique needs.

Counselling and Psychotherapy are suitable for just about anyone, and they can contribute to the healing and growth in many areas of life. These professionals work through emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects, using empathetic and client-centered approaches.

The therapy is different for every person and may include techniques such as active listening, guided self-exploration, cognitive-behavioral strategies, and even creative expressions like art or music therapy.

Let's dive into some areas where Counselling and Psychotherapy can make a difference :

Acupuncturists use gentle techniques, tailored to your age, health condition, and specific needs.

Booking An Appointment…

Finding a therapist is often as simple as searching online or asking for recommendations. Many therapists offer initial consultations to ensure a good fit.

Some health insurance plans may cover therapy sessions, so it's worth checking with your provider.

Further information about Counselling and Psychotherapy can be found through professional associations and regulatory bodies in your area.

Counselling and Psychotherapy are all about providing support, understanding, and tools to help you navigate life's challenges. Whether you're facing a specific issue or simply seeking personal growth, engaging with a therapist might be the path to a more fulfilled and balanced life. It's not about having "problems"; it's about embracing growth, healing, and self-awareness.


Madeleine Johnson

Madeleine is a BACP registered counsellor who offers both short and longer term counselling for individuals and couples who are in crisis, depressed, stressed, experiencing personal or work issues. She offers a safe and confidential space and helps her clients to identify their issues and find a way to solve their problems.

Madeleine has over a decade of counselling experience in NHS, private and charitable sectors. She has a keen interest in bereavement and loss, work-related stress, relationship issues, low self-esteem and parenting. Hazel’s prior experience as an overseas Aid Worker for over 8 years, enables her to understand the challenges of working in multicultural environments alongside expat communities.


Adriana Fraser | BSc (Hons), Ph.D, DipHE Counselling, MBACP (Accred)

Hello, I’m Adriana. You may be having difficulties in your life and want some help and support from an experienced therapist. I will treat you as an individual, responding to your needs, providing a confidential and supportive therapeutic relationship, warmth and empathy.

I have worked for many years as a Cruse bereavement counsellor, in the NHS and in private practice. I have considerable experience of working with bereavement and loss, anxiety, depression, stress, low self esteem, relationship issues, midlife crisis and work related issues, sexual abuse and trauma. I am a registered member of BACP and practice according to their ethical guidelines. I offer both short and long term counselling.


Mariam Baxter | Psychotherapist / Counsellor / Hypnotherapist / Life Coach


I am a BACP Accredited Counsellor and Clinical Hypnotherapist with 20 years experience offering stress/anger management,life coaching, bereavement, couple/relationship, depression/post natal depression, emotional eating and health/pain management counselling and support.

I have worked for many years in NHS/Healthcare settings, as Lead Counsellor/Palliative Care Practitioner in a Hospice environment, also Higher Education as Counsellor to Staff and Students and predominantly now as an Affiliate Counsellor for several Employee Assist Programmes offering workplace support and Private Practice. I also offer Supervision to other counsellors.

My work with Anger and/or Stress Management is a practical approach to look at your “triggers” and help you find methods and strategies to break the pattern and get your life back on track, using CBT and NLP.

With Life Coaching I utilise NLP (neuro linguistic programming) and CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and work with you to look at your goals, find any ‘blocks’ and together build a programme of strategies to achieve your goals and achieve success to overcome anxiety, depression and stress.

I offer a specialist approach to eating disorders / weight management, incorporating Mindful Eating techniques and a holistic approach to living well, without dieting, providing the motivation to maintain these changes.

I offer a specialist “Ethical Gastric Hypnoband” Programme which is completely safe and non-invasive, powerfully changing thought processes and re-wires and re-programmes the mind/body to live mindfully and well gaining control of your Life and your weight. This is a three session programme and can be undertaken in a small group or 1:1 experience.

In my counselling and hypnotherapy practice I feel it is very important that you feel at ease with me for the therapy session to be of value to you. I offer a genuine, empathic approach built on respect, understanding and compassion.

I am an Integrative Counsellor, which I feel allows me to draw on a range of models of counselling, all within a framework of person centred counselling. I offer short term or longer term therapy with female, male or couples. Both my counselling and hypnotherapy practice are built on our relationship and my belief that by having time and space to explore difficulties and, where appropriate, offer suggestions or strategies, this can help you develop your social skills, draw on your resources to help you think about your problems or difficulties in new, more empowering ways, in an environment where you feel safe and not judged.

Specialisms: Relationships / Couple Counselling; Workplace Stress; PTSD; Cancer Support; Pain Management; Bereavement & Loss; Emotional Eating; Anger Management;Life Coaching; Self Esteem; Ethical Gastric Hypnoband Programme; Hypnotherapy; EMDR; NLP, CBT